Publication date: 08.04.2022 22:36
Real name: Anita Williams.
Age: 38.
Homeworld: Gridiron.
Bangalore was born in the military family. Like her parents and four older brothers, she served in the IMC and was an excellent soldier for all her life. Loyal to the IMC cause, Bangalore was the top of her class at the IMC Military Academy and the only cadet who took the Peacekeeper apart, equipped it with a Precision Choke, and put it back together in less than twenty seconds (blindfolded).
Today, we remembered Our old fighting friend - Bangalore! Not without reason. Apex Legends players probably know that a temporary event called "The Williams Sendoff" is going on right now, dedicated specifically to her. So we decided to show the current collector's edition painting and the new patenting of the most recognizable IMC soldier (forgive us Blisk fans).
Hurry up to replenish your collection with a new legend with delivery to any point of the Frontier planets!
P.S. The event will end in a couple of days, so hurry up!
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